Tuesday, December 14, 2010

a thought, or two...

I am wondering why this year seems different. No tree up yet, a few decorations out that were handy but most still stored in the garage, although I am enjoying the trees at the "office"--but why? Looking for cards to send but none seem just right. Son & wife arriving in 9 days and want to have it nice for them but still not overblown--why? I think, possibly, with the change of venue there is more of an awareness of the lost & forlorn & forgotten--myriads of phone calls and emails expressing basic needs & requests for support in greif, illness, loss of employment, financial setbacks etc. How to deal? I cannot save the world (that's already been done) and yet, there are things prepared for me to do. Do I recognize them? Or do I ignore them in favor of my own self-comfort? Gratitude certainly expressed to the one that has provided me life but am I listening? Sometimes I just think we need to be quiet and let the whisper become our reality.

Or, maybe, I am just old.

What do you think?

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